Ch, I
14. 6. 2006
Irtyš | Inta | |
Ice | Ilana | Iris |
Idyla | Irish | Iskra |
Ilchi | I Love You | Indigo |
Ideal | Ilion | Impuls |
I Have a Dream | I Kick Ass | Iben |
Ibn | Icabob | Icarus |
Ice Cream | Ice Cream Mix | Ice Cube |
IceDrop | Icefall | Ichabod |
If Only | Ike | Ilio |
I'll be yer Huckleberry | Illiad | Illusion |
Ilona | Im Cute N Cool | I'm Double Secured |
Ima Cowboy Yes I Am | Ima Golden Champagn | Ima Hustler Baby |
Ima Perdy Lady | Image | Imagine |
Imagine That | Immotal Flame | Imogen |
Imogene | Impossible | Impossible Dream |
Impressive | Imprintible | In a tizzi |
In The Moonlight | In The Spotlight | In Your Dreams |
In Your Eyes | Inca | Inca Gold |
Indepth | India | Indian |
Indian Paint | Indian Paintbrush | Indiana (Jones) |
Indigo | Indy | Infatuation |
Inferno | Inka | Inky |
Inky Black | Innocence | Inspired Kiss |
Integrity's Promise | Intense Suspense | Intergalatitic |
International | Interupted | Into The Wind |
Intrigue | Iola | Iolanthe |
Iris Moon Glo | Irish | Irish mist |
Irish Song | Iron Maiden | Iroquois Lady |
Isaac | Ishan | Ishara (arabsky=znamení) |
Ishtar | Isis | Isn't She Something |
Isolde | It Takes Two | It's A Long Story |
Itsy Bitsy | Ivan | Ivory |
Ivy | Ivy League | Izzi |
Izzie | Izzy | Izzy Fine |
Imperio | Idol |
Chlouba | Charlota | Chrpa |
Chaldea | Charita | Chvála |
Cherry | Cherry Polly | Chalin |
Chalco | Char | Charm |
Chalkiss | Chalco | Cha-Cha |
Chad | Chakote | Chalk |
Challie | Cham | Chamber |
Chamlan | Champagne | Champagne on Deck |
Champane | Champion | Champion Heartache |
Chance | Chance gets Lucky | Chancer |
Chances Dream | Chance's Wish | Chancey |
Channel | Channel Three | Chaos |
Char Do Neigh | Charger | Chargey |
Charished Hope | Charisma | Charity |
Charlene | Charles | Charlie |
Charlie Bean | Charlie Brown | Charlies Angel |
Charlies Next | Charm | Charmed |
Charmer | Charrished Secret | Chase |
Chattanooga Choo Choo | Chatterbox | Chebe |
Checkers | Cheeky | Cheerioes |
Cheetah | Chelsea | Cher |
Cherab | Cherish | Cherish the Moment |
Cherokee | Cherokee Chief | Cherokee Promise |
Cherokee Rose | Cheska | Chess |
Chess Player | Chester | Chesterfield |
Chevy | Chewbacca | Chewy |
Chex | Cheyanne | Cheyenne |
Chianti | Chic in Time | Chicagos Lady |
Chick | Chickaboo | Chicken |
Chicky | Chico | Chief |
Chiko | Chilla | Chilli |
Chimera | China's Gold | Chino |
Chinook | Chip | Chippy |
Chips | Chipwich | Chiquita |
Chiquito | Chloe | Chocolate |
Chocolate | Chocolate Brownie | Chocolate Chip |
Chocolate Chip Surprise | Chocolate Covered Marshmallows | Chocolate Mocha |
Chocolate Sundae | Choctaw | Choice |
Christmas in July | Christopher Robin | Chrome |
Chrystal and Roses | Chuck | Chuckles |
Chunky | Chynas Silk |
Přehled komentářů
Ale to : Cha-Cha,to je teda strašný
*Moc nádherná!!!!!*
(Karoline, 6. 12. 2010 16:54)Ahojky ty jména jsou moc pěkná,třeba Chiro,Chippy.
(Martan, 27. 12. 2007 19:04)Ahoj jmenují se Martan a četla jsem všechny ty ména koní a zdá se mi že jsou náky divné například Ice
Další krásné jméno pro hřebečka
(scretch, 30. 10. 2007 12:52)Víš jaké je ještě krásné jméno pro hřebce? Cejlon, Bajkal a Tobruck Shahír
(Karoline, 6. 12. 2010 17:02)